
Welcome to Your Stardoll Makeup Tutorials. If you're looking for new ways to enhance and improve your medoll, then you've come to the right place. This blog is full of hints, tips and tutorials to get your medoll Covergirl worthy!

Saturday, 14 April 2012

Tutorial ~ Valentine's Makeup

Yes, I know it's not Valentine's Day, but I thought that this would be a fun makeover to try. It may be designed for Valentine's, but it would work for anytime of the year too.

Here's the finished makeover:

You will need:
Dark Pink, Medium Pink, and White Eyeshadow
Black, White, Bright Pink and Medium Pink Eyepencil
Black Lengthening Mascara
Black Volumizing Mascara
Black and White Eyeliner
Pale Pink Lipstick
Slightly Darker Pink Lipstick
Luxe Lipgloss
Pink Blush

Ok, so you're going to start off with the dark pink eyeshadow, applying a few layers on the eyelid, sweeping out to the side. Use more coats the closer you get to the eyelid.

Next, apply the medium pink above the eye, and the white on the inside of the eye, beside the nose, as shown above.

Use the black eyepencil starting from above the pupil to the outside of the eye. Apply a small bit under the eye. Continue on with the bright pink eyepencil, and then the medium pink, until you are under the pupil. Finish off with white until you reach the tear duct.

Apply black eyeliner wherever you had applied the black eyepencil, and the white wherever you had use the white eyepencil. Continue the white eyeliner around the corner of the tear duct and up to the start of the eyelid. Fully apply both types of mascara.

Next, the lips. Cover your lips with a coat of pale pink lipstick. Apply a small amount of the darker shade in the middle of the lips. This helps to make your lips look more 3D, and not as flat.

Use a small bit of Luxe lipgloss in the middle of the lips. I tend not to cover the whole mouth with lipgloss, as it can look a bit odd. Applying a small amount looks more natural.

Use your pink blush under the cheekbones as shown. This highlights your cheekbones and helps to give your cheeks more shape and depth.

And finally, add accessories of your choice. I used a Sunny Bunny headband, Diamond earrings, Sunny Bunny eyelashes (an essential for every medoll!), and a cute Sunny Bunny heart. Of course, everyone's tastes are different, so the accessories can be changed to suit you better.

And Voilá! Perfect Valentine's makeup every time!

Susanna x

Friday, 13 April 2012

Using Blush

Using blush can be a tricky business - you either get it very right or very wrong. Below is a picture of two extremely different styles. 

Please never use the one on the left - it will do you no favours whatsoever. Like seriously - Won't someone please think of the children?!  Your best option is to apply the blush underneath the white shine on the cheek (as on the right) - you can adjust the white shine in "Face" at the side of your Beauty Parlour. This gives your face more depth and shape, and makes it look more 3D.

 Susanna x

Using Bright Eyeshadow

Bright eyeshadows can be great, and there is a fantastic range of colours available at pretty reasonable prices from dot and luxe. But the most important thing to be aware of when wearing bright eyeshadow, is that less is more. It should be used sparingly, because too much can look absolutely ridiculous. 

I have used the same colour on each eye on the medoll above, and you can see the difference! 

When using such lurid colours, I advise pairing it with a darker shade of that colour, and a lighter shade. Or you can just use black and white, which is really versatile, and can be used with any colour (See eye on right).

PLEASE NOTE: Never Ever EVER use coloured mascara. You should only use Black, Brown or Navy Blue. Or White in certain situations. Please don't put anyone through the torture of having to look at the monstrosity that is orange mascara (-shudder-). Seriously, it should have a government health warning or something.. 

Susanna x